Friday, October 13, 2006

Happenings in my Area

Yesterday morning a woman down the road was held up at gunpoint and her car stolen. Praise the Lord!

This morning a man was shouting at the end of my street about someone's b*****cl*** . Thank you Lord!

Why I am I saying praise and thank you? Because I have seen worse things happen. The woman who got held up was not made to drive her car away from the scene of the crime, raped and threatened if she reported the incident. She did not have to spend agonizing months taking God knows how many different kinds of pills and injections to prevent an S.T.D. or an unwanted pregnancy. Nor the rage and guilt which is an inevitable part of rape. Praise the Lord only her car was stolen.

The man at the end of the road only shouted his rage. He did take it out on his children or baby mother with a 2 * 4 plank that has nails projecting at odd angles. He didn't launch miniature boulders at the object of his rage. Thank you Lord that you guided his heart and hands.

There are so many incidents like these that happen everywhere, everyday to people I see. When you see what's happening in your area, just stop and think, maybe it's not as bad as it could have been.


The Seeker said...

true words

Sweet Simone said...

very true