Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dates to remember

January 16 - Birthday of friend
January 24 - Death of brother's godmother
January 25 - Birthday of friend
January 27 - Birthday of friend, birth of first child of other friend
January 29 - Death of mother, Birthday of two friends

Life is a continuous cycle of renewal and change

Monday, January 08, 2007

Bad man fi dead

I started commenting on Seeker's post "Death of a Dictator" http://jusidle.blogspot.com/ but it was too long for just a comment so i've decided to post it instead.

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us". This line from the Lord's Prayer is a fundamental part of Christianity. I don't think other religions or rational thinking persons for that matter can really fault this view. It's quite healthy, very civilsed and all that.

That doesn't stop me one whit from being happy that Saddam is dead, that he was not accidentally killed, and that quite a few persons were there to see it happen. Moreover I do take a certain satisfaction in the ignominy of his execution. I will put forward the controversial view that I needed him to die in a manner similar to one that he has inflicted on others before I can start to forgive. I will go so far as to say he got his just desserts.

The Wicked Warlock of the East is dead, Long live the Wicked Warlock of the West

New Year

Happy New Year to all my adoring fans!

I'd just like to thank God for giving me friends who convinced me to start a blog last year. Now they could finally breath a sigh of relief and say "Thank God now I don't actually have to listen to her anymore"

To my coworkers, family members, friends, romantic interests et al who have inspired these numerous posts. Thank you for providing me with so much to do in my obvious abundance of free time. What would I have done without that axe , the grinder, the whet stone and the substance for the things I jab about? A million thanks just... aren't... enough.

For those whom I have left out don't take it personally, I will get around to thanking you in my own way.

Oncew again Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!