My beautiful campus is a very self contained spot. Two banks, Health Centre as well as Hospital, Hotel, Gym, Supermarket, Hair Salon, Post Office, and NUFF NUFF Food place. It's just as well that the gym is there since most of the places are fast food joints. The latest one is Juici Patties, which was preceeded by a Chinese Restaurant and KFC. I hear rumours that Burger King will also grace us with their presence.
Initially I wondered why on earth these places would want to come here. Didn't they realize that this was a campus with students, ie bruk pocket folk in debt too, and the staff members already were spoiled for choice with no less than 11 (eleven) food emporiums(not including the snack & juice vendors or the commissaries). Further more the campus is smack between two busy commercial areas, Papine and Liguanea, with a plethora of choice just from them alone.
Luckily I am not the CEO for these companies as I clearly have not the sense to realize how deprived these campus persons felt. To date while I have occasionally been the only customer entering KFC I have never remained the only one inside, the Chinese food place had me waiting when I checked it out, and let's not mention the lines outside of the restaurant in the case of Juici Patties.
For me the regular routine hasn't changed, I still go by Seacole commisary to get my patties and cinnamon crackers. So much for choice :D