Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Speaking up

After a conversation with a friend I wondered why I find it hard to reveal information . It could be trivia, it could be great news but I find it hard to reveal details. I don't consider myself secretive, if anything I'm quite open and approachable. But at the same time I don't like telling people my business. Possibly its a dose of British culture from so many Enid Blyton books as a child,to be viewed in the same vein as not tattling and not bragging about one's accomplishments or airing laundry (dirty or otherwise) in public.

Somehow that doesn't quite cover it . Is it a desire to be mysterious or a lack of interest in my own activities ?

Why is it bugging me you may wonder? That at least is easy. I occasionally feel guilty that when people share things with me I don't share in return or share as much. I do realise that sometimes my friends just want a sympathetic ear to vent to and do not always want to get information in return. I think that's one of my stronger points :-D My friends should also appreciate the fact that a secret is a secret and only remains that way when it is unmentioned. If something is important to me then they trust me to speak about it in my own time (at least I believe they do). So far I haven't lost any friends and the only person this seems to bug is me so I'll stop here. I think I've said enough as it is :-D

1 comment:

laroper18 said...

I can sooo relate...